Saturday, October 21, 2006

A new post after sometime..

Todays a bright Saturday morning, and when i looked out from the balcony in the morning, it seemed a perfect weather to go out and have fun, maybe to a park or for a picnic.. or may even be for a long drive.. So, we went out and I soon realized that the back ache, that has been troubling me for the last week, has actually left a trail.. not the ache, but the medicines i took to get rid of it.. i am still drowsy, and hence have decided not to drive anymore today..

Its kind of sad not to be out in the sun, when infact, 8 out of last 10 days have been cloudy and gloomy.. but anyways, i plan to leave that behind and enjoy the day.. so we are cooking chicken and i am writing my blog after quite sometime.. Well, anyways, found out something from my wife about blogging.. that if you do not post comments on other blogs.. you dont get people to visit your blog.. So, its quite understandable why trafic on my blog is kind of low..

well, i am kind of lazy, maybe not kind of, i am truly lazy.. but i think i am kind of going to give a try to commenting on others blogs.. not sure how long i will be able to keep it up.. but lets see..

actually, to tell the truth, even my wife got the idea from her sis, who is a voracious blogger and gets atleast 10 comments on each new entry.. so makes sense to learn from her... i rarely get more than 2 comments, one from my wife and the other one from her sis.. but well yeah, now i plan to become a little more adventurous..

so, janta log, if you stumble onto my blog, do leave a comment.. i would be really happy to reply.. and might leave more than one comment on your blog as well..