Friday, May 19, 2006

Is it going to be over?..

I really hope so.. Yes, I am talking about my Dubai trip. You must have an idea how bored I am with the whole thing.. I hate telling that I am coming back and then not doing it.. i have told twice and it has not happened.. now i have done the grave sin of letting people know a third time.. i mean, i dint want to.. but.. by the way, i dont want to pick a fight with the guy who said 'third time lucky'.. if it has been for others, i am also human..

So, on 18th may, i called up emirates to reschedule my ticket, to the 30th may. And this is what comes up, Sir, we do not have tickets to Hyderabad till 17th of June. What would you like to do Sir? took me sometime to understand that this was happening.. you have a flight to kolkata??.. can i get that one? let me see, sir.. yes, when would you like to.. blah blah..

woof, so it appears i am gonna flying in to kolkata, my home town..

i called her up and told her, will be in cal on 30th.. what??.. cal??.. what time??. how did this happen??.. babuji has magical effects, cause how do things like this keep happening e'time.. and how does he predict em?

called up ma, and told her that i cant come to hyd cause there are no tickets.. what what??.. no tickets??.. so what will happen.. how will you come..
i will come to kolkata.. what. kolkata.. kolkata.. ???
yes kolkata.. when? .. 30th.. +- 2 days.. shall we come to pick you.. please come...
please come and pick me.. i would be happy..

looking forward to it.. fingers crossed..


Pousumi said...

Hey.....when did you write this.....its good..:)

Pousumi said...

Hey.....when did you write this.....its good..:)

Anonymous said...

this one's really gud...
and so was the last one...
keep going....